ELC Treasury Services: Pioneering Tomorrow’s
Treasury Management Services and Systems Since 2010

ELC Treasury Services: Pioneering Tomorrow’s Treasury Management Services and Systems Since 2010

Incepted in 2010, ELC Treasury Services emerged to bridge the gap in Corporate Treasury Management services and technologies. Recognizing the evolving landscape, our commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions, implementation, and consultancy services has driven our growth.

Our Evolution

Over the years, ELC Strategy has expanded its product portfolio, establishing itself as a dynamic partner for businesses. Guided by a process and technology-driven approach, we continually adapt to the changing needs of organizations and advancements in technology.

Our Mission

At the core of our mission is the strategic alignment of solutions with organizational structures. We pride ourselves on offering tailor-made solutions that cater to the diverse technological needs of organizations in the Treasury Management domain. Our motto, “If you are a hammer, everything is a nail,” reflects our commitment to finding and implementing the right solutions for every challenge.

  • Reliable Financial Management

    We aspire to be more than service providers. ELC Strategy aims to be your reliable partner in establishing, developing, and maintaining financial management systems. Our focus is on delivering high-value outcomes that contribute to informed decision-making, ultimately supporting companies in achieving their survival and growth objectives.

  • Global Perspective

    Corporate Treasury Management is a globally standardized and largely digitalized field. Drawing from our extensive project experiences both locally and internationally, we continuously strive to stay ahead of the curve. Our approach is simple yet profound: “Let’s see what the world is up to.”

  • Digital Transformation Advocates

    As advocates for digital transformation and digitalization, we keep a watchful eye on global developments. ELC Strategy is committed to providing adaptive solutions that align with the ever-changing needs of organizations, ensuring a seamless transition into the new era of Treasury Management.

Our amazing team is always hard at work

Where innovation meets reliability, and evolution is our constant.

Join ELC Strategy on the forefront of tomorrow’s treasury management services and systems– where innovation meets reliability, and evolution is our constant.